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Decisions about abortion should be left to women and their doctors
– not politicians.

That's why we’re
making the right to
a permanent
fixture in Nevada


In 2024, Nevada
voters will be able to
vote Yes on Question 6
to amend the Nevada
Constitution and permanently protect the right to abortion.


Join Our Movement

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Nevada has a long history of protecting abortion rights. The most recent polls prove that the majority of Nevadans believe abortion should be legal in most cases.

Does this sound like you? As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to work alongside other passionate individuals who share your commitment to reproductive freedom. 

Sign up to volunteer, find events near you, and join our team to pass Question 6! 

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Why Now?

When the Supreme Court ended the constitutional right to abortion as we knew it, they gave the green light to state lawmakers to pass and enforce total abortion bans. We know that anti-abortion politicians aren’t stopping at overturning Roe v. Wade.


State legislatures with anti-abortion majorities are continuing to pass and implement cruel abortion bans, despite the fact that a majority of Americans support abortion rights.

Many states bordering Nevada, like Idaho, Utah, and Arizona, have bans on abortion in place. Reproductive freedom is in crisis like never before.

Due to the uncertainty of legal abortion at the national level, we’re taking this to the Nevada voters to make sure that abortion rights are enshrined in the most permanent way possible – the Nevada Constitution.

The national abortion rights landscape is constantly changing.


22 States

Have abortion bans or restrictions in place, forcing millions of Americans to travel to states like Nevada for care. 

Let’s make abortion rights a PERMANENT fixture in Nevada law.

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About Us

Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom was created to help enshrine reproductive freedom in the Nevada Constitution.


We are a coalition of progressive organizations and citizens who believe that in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Nevadans must take the final step of cementing the right to abortion into the state’s Constitution.

Our Partners

© 2023 Paid for by Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom PAC

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